
Sunday, June 10, 2007

she & happy bebe

An older pic of my youngest daughter. Here she is modeling for me a dress that was hand down by her older sister.

Used papers from the Prima Odyssey collection. Photo turner by 7-gypsie, chipboard letters by American Craft, flowers by prima (stack them up).

Other supplies, mini letter stickers by MM, stamp by Fancy Pants, brad by paper studio, cardstock by bazzill and buttons unknown.

Just a simple one of my youngest daughter back in 1995. Really love her beautiful smile on this picture.

Used papers from the Prima Odyssey collection, the photo corners are also included with this pack in a die cut sheet of 12 x12. Prima flowers (I dotted around the flowers to make them stand out more), ribbon by Lil Davis and chipboard by Scienic Route.

Other supplies used zig marker and bazzill white cardstock.


  1. love your pronoun layout...those colors are poppin

  2. I'm so in love with both of these...but especailly that baby face. TOO CUTE!

  3. YUMMY! Love these pages!
