
Sunday, November 25, 2007

DT Call!!

Hi Everyone!

I am holding an open DT call for 3 new DT members. This will be a 6 month run from Jan-June. The call will be open from today until Dec. 15th. I am asking for 5 items from each entrant, 3 LO's and 2 cards. In addition I would really like to get to know a bit about you. What DT's you have been on before or presently, why you paper craft, how often, and what your "scrapping style" is.

A little about me....I am VERY laid back as far as assignments and deadlines go. The assignments usually go something like this "do 4 or 5 LO's sometime before the end of next month"...LOL. I'm basically chill. But I will be recruiting new members to help me come up with ideas for challenges and product input. There is a tips and techniques blog that I ask additions to every month or 2. I don't have a MB so there is no requirement for daily posts...etc. And also, there will be a website revamp after the first of the year. But I have no plans for a MB, there are already a billion to choose from. I don't need to add another to fill your days with, or mine for that matter! But there may be a customer gallery and other cool additions coming!

If you are chosen I will be sending out boxes of supplies to you every 2 months (3 total) with varying papers and supplies.

I will be announcing the winners on Dec. 23rd and the first boxes of supplies will be sent out on Dec. 28th. Please email your entries to me at and title the email "DT call". And also...please try and keep the files on the smaller size...too big crashes my mail server.

I'm excited to see who, what, where, when and how this all goes down.



  1. oh how exciting!!!!

    and i second what greta said :)

  2. Woooooooohoooooooooooo!! how exciting for sure! Good luck to everyone who enters! :)

  3. Awesome :) Your stuff is beautiful !!!! Cant wait to see how the DT Search goes, good luck !!!!! Very exciting :)
