
Monday, February 4, 2008

Jana's Hometown

I have lived in the same town my entire life. The first idea I had for this challenge was to do a page with all of the homes I have lived in (which I will still do). But recently I read a book on the history of my city and discovered several things. My ancestor, Joseph Holbrook, was a co-founder of Bountiful, Utah. He helped build this church, donating supplies meant for his own home to rebuild the roof of the church when a big windstorm blew it off. He was the first judge for this town and owned a brick manufacturing company that I'm sure supplied lots of the brick for some of the historic homes.

The other thing that is special about this building is that my dad grew up attending church here. He lived in a home just a few blocks away. When Kevin and I were first married, we purchased a home around the corner from my dad's childhood home. This was the first church we attended as a married couple. We even blessed our first baby there. Last year, we decided to have our family picture taken in front of this church because of the significance it has to our family. I'm proud to have such a strong heritage here. I love this place and am proud to be raising our family here. :)


  1. Wow...what fantastic family history! And how great to dedicate this beautiful page to remebering that...just perfect!

  2. What a pretty layout! Love your title work

  3. Wow! I love this! I especially love the PP you used.
