
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Quote 'Em!

I've been scrapping for almost three years, and my biggest source of inspiration besides the photos and product are quotes that I've gathered in my memory over my lifetime. There are several places to pull quotes from, and most of our photos can be paired up with a number of quotes.

The most obvious place to pull a quote from is the subject of the layout. What is the person saying as your taking the picture? Does your child have a cute pronunciation of a word? Do they repeat themselves? Is it something they're "known for?" Listen while you look and you're sure to get a good title or starting point for your journaling on the layout. Here are some examples:
If I'm looking for a specific quote about a subject, I usually turn to Quote Garden. I found this quote when I was looking for one about happiness:
Two more sources of quotes are books and movies. I used a line from a popular children's book for this first layout and a quote from one of my all-time favorite movies for the next one:

And since music is such an important part of my life, the source for most of my quotes come from songs. I can usually look at a photo and immediately think of a corresponding song. And on some occassions, I carry that over into my layout about the person and/or event.

Pick a song that describes the event:

Pick a song that was used at an event (this song was played at my son's baby dedication):

Pick a song that describes your feelings:

Pick a song that describes the relationship:

There are endless resources of quotes available--use them as a starting point for your next layout or project!


  1. i love using song quotes! awesome tips, and great layouts!

  2. Ashley you are always spot on with your title work! Thanks for all the inspiration and for the link to that site! Cool!

  3. Noel, I came across your blog randomly and your photos of your beautiful son captured me. He is adorable! My son also has medical issues (CHARGE Syndrome) and I have scrapbooked each and every moment. May I ask why your son needs O2? We have been fortunate that recently he hasn't needed it (for the past two months)...which has been miraculous.

    Oh and I love your work too!

