
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Use Inspiration As It Strikes

I walked through the room where my kids were watching T.V. and on the screen was an image that struck me as soon as I saw it. I don't know what they were watching, but it appeared to be a blurb about a children's artist and they were showing some of his/her work. The image that caught my eye was a painting the artist had done of a tree. The tree had red branches and in the branches were dozens of birds in bright, primary colors.

I thought to myself, "That would be really cute on a scrapbook page!" Normally, I would just think my thought and go on with my daily stuff and probably forget all about it. This time, I went straight to my scrap room, pulled out my Noel Mignon Gingersnap and Passionate kits and went to work.

Instead of birds, I used buttons to suggest a tree full of bright fall colors to go with these fall pictures of my children. I can't say it turned out as cute as the artist's painting but I had a lot of fun creating it!

So now I'm going to challenge you . . . Next time you see a fun idea, don't file it away in your brain. Go scrap it right away!

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