
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Get out the hoops ladies

This is project I did is using the Picnic Basket Kit. i got this awesome idea from a MB that i belong to. One of the DT members posted a Make and take and i knew i wanted to try it. i am glad i did it was sooo fun.

Who would have thought an embroidery hoop would make a perfect display for one of your pages. i plan on hanging this in my office at work!

See you next week with a mini I did for my 31st surprise birthday party using the Basic Grey Cupcake papers and a Cosomo Cricket blackboard mini and my layout for a brand new never beofre seen sketch that Becky Fleck did just for us and just for next week's challenge....eeeekkk!! so excited

One last thing...for those of you that wanted to know how to make the atc card holder like i did last week the tutorial is up here. And NO MAKING FUN OF MY FACE!! LOL...i have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard anyway. The tutorials for this month will be every Sunday so be sure and check them out for great inspiration!!


  1. I LOVE this idea! So many great possibilities start coming to mind!

  2. I just love this and the idea is so inspiring!

  3. What an incredible idea! I really think I may have to try this!
