
Friday, September 5, 2008

Lovin' Color!

It was great to see everyone's take on the Pottery Barn Inspiration Challenge ! Here is the layout I created for it. Thanks to fellow DT member, Michelle Lanning , who hosted this challenge, I am now officially in LOVE with this color scheme and can't wait to try it again! ;)
Casting for a Spell

On another scrappy-color-related note, I am ADORING playing with the colors in the Homeroom Kit and Extra Credit kit!! I love how fresh and funky the blues, greens and yellow feel together, yet the black and white keeps it grounded and classic.
Here are a few layouts I created this week using a combination of the kits together. For this first one, everything came from the Homeroom kit with the exception of the Cosmo Cricket green patterned paper and the blue paint from the Extra Credit Kit .

1st Day

This picture isn't officially a school photo of me, but it looks like it! LOL! This was a photo of just me from an Engagement photo session with my hubby. When I saw this photo, the first thing I thought about was that I wouldn't change a thing about the last 12 years if I had known about them beforehand. I have a Book of Me Album that is 6 X 12 and created this page to add to it.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now

Everything here is from the Homeroom kit except for the Love, Elsie rubon letters from the Extra Credit kit .

Thanks for coming by!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jana! Love what you did with the challenge. Your layouts are beyond amazing. Your use of color, texture and layers of paper are always perfection.

    I always love what you create :)
