
Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Quick Make-n-Take

This week i was going to do a video tutorial on this make and take but the hubby has not been home. grrrr.... and i doubt any of you would want to see my 6 year old filming it so with that being said we will have to do the ole traditional way..

We will be making a book bag tag. School is back in session and so why not do something cool and unique for them or with them.
My 6 year old made his with little guidance so maybe this can be a family project.

let's get started:


cropodile or small hole punch
1 or 2 pieces of coordinating ribbon
solid color cardstock
a piece of patterned paper
a laminator OR self laminating pouches
ink pad
letter stickers or rub on's

NOTE: this is a great thing to use up some scraps

i suggest you cut your tags out mine are
big tag: 2.5 wide x 4.25 long and the small is 1.25 w x 2.5 long...
ink the edges if you choose and then laminate every piece. This will ensure that it can hold up to the wear and tear that a book bag takes plus the weather as well as give it some dimension.

Gather your materials you want to use so you have everything right there with you...this will only take about 10 minutes tops to make...

Here i am showing you how to cut your own tag. i just learned this a little while back and i can't beleive iw as doing all that racing a tag and then cutting...grrrr!!! call me slow...LOL so anyway for those of you that don't know you just take your cardstock and fold it over but don't fold to hard to make a crease in your paper and then snip the corners.

once you have your tags cut out ink the edges...i use the cats eye chalk ink because i love it the best but any ink will work...heck paint will even work...

get your laminating pouch out and put your pieces in there
run through your machine. let the pouch sit after laminating a minute so it can cool and harden.
Then cut your pieces out add glue dots and put everything down add your ring and VOILA!

YOUR DONE.. EASY PEASY!! now you may have noticed i left off the letter sticker...why you ask? because like always i am going to RAK this away to one lucky commenter and who ever wins it can pick the letter out and i will put it on and drop it in the snail mail...

Here are 2 more examples:

i did this one

My 6 year old did this one... i helped him staple his ribbon though...he is quite accident prone

YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY SEPT 20, 2008 at 6 PM CST to comment on this post and i will draw a winner using the random # generator to pull a winner and announce it FRIDAY NIGHT... good luck girls and happy tag making


  1. Love this tutorial and those tags are darling!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. such a cute idea! cat wait till i have kids and can do fun projects like this with them... im defintely using this tag on a LO or 2 though! thanks for the idea!

    oh... the tag trick for cutting! genious! never thought of that till you just showed me! hehe

  3. Very cute idea and sooooo easy!

  4. Cute! What a fun rainy day activity!

  5. Actually, I prefer tutorials done this way as it allows you to study the photo, in case you don't quite understand or forgot how to do a technique. Great tag idea! Thanks.


  6. Now, how cute it that???

    I can't wait to give that a shot..

    How wonderful of you to share with us!!

    Thank you!

  7. Thanks, that is great! I know my 6 year old would love to make a few of those!
