
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scare & School

Here are some goodies I made with the **SOLD OUT** Noel Mignon Homeroom kit! If you happened to snag one of these kits in time, you are one lucky duck. It's got my favorites in there- October Afternoon, Jenni Bowlin Studios, Hambly... ok, what's not to love, honestly? There are still a few Extra Credit kits left, AND they are only $13.99... just sayin'. ;)

This layout is about our little buddy and how he says, "It's scare!" about anything that is scary to him. I could tell his imagination was developing right after he turned two, and quickly following that was learning to fear all sorts of things, from thunder to ants. Bless his heart.

I saw this idea on the SiS blog, but wanted to give my own twist to it. This is to hold all of the little papers, drawings, notes, crafts, etc. that the kids come home with from MDO. My mom made a scrapbook for me when I was little and it has all sorts of little drawings and such in it, and those are my favorite things to look back on. I definitely want to preserve these in a handy place!

You could use a Bind It All, or ribbon, or binding rings, or something of your own design to bind it all together. I had these cool spine binders someone gave me that click together, so I can keep adding to to the folders every week.


  1. OMG V...those folders are the bomb..and i have so many i wanted to make a mini out of but now i am soooo taking this concept and running with it!

    and the i scare...awww bless his heart!

  2. ok....the folder idea is just genius! Very very col! and I love the design on your "scare" lo. :)

  3. Seriously, Virginia! Do you know how much I LOVE your work?!!!! Everything you do has such a cool, artsy, layer-y edge to it. I'm constantly in awe!
