
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Weathered Metal Look

I developed this technique a few years ago as a design team member of FiberScraps.After using their inks in all ways possible, I started to run out of ideas of how to use them in new ways. Just experimenting one day, I came up with the idea to use it as an additional step in embossing. I loved the old-weathered metal effect it created when the ink was applied to the embossing. In this tutorial, I used gold powder, but experiment with silver and copper. They all look really neat!

To get started you will need:

  • Heat Embossing Gun

  • Versa Mark Watermark Stamp

  • Chipboard (any piece)

  • Embossing Powder (any metallic color)

  • Walnut Ink (Any non-spray kind will work, I prefer Fiber Scraps Tintz)

    • 1.) Select your chipboard piece and firmly press into the watermark stamp, creating a nice sticky side to adhere the embossing powder.

      2.) Pour a good amount of embossing powder over the chipboard and gently remove from powder.

      3.) Using your heat embossing gun, start heating up the embossing powder. Just when the powder starts melting onto the chipboard, remove the heat.4.) Using the walnut ink, dab the ink onto the chipboard piece creating little drops of ink around the piece.
      5.) Using your heat gun, begin applying more heat to the chipboard piece. Heat until the drops of ink begin to "burn" into the chipboard. (Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area, as this tends to create a burned smell temporarily) 6.) Apply heat until you are satisfied with the look and texture of your piece. Allow to cool and use on any project! As you can see here, I used this technique on 2 pieces of chipboard from the Memory Lane kit to adorn my page titled, "Sing"


      1. oh yes sista!! i am totally doing this...never seen this done that way...looks like less work then some i have seen and i love the outcome!!

      2. Oh I'm so glad you posted this technique! I was admiring those when you posted your work, so I'm so happy that we can all see the way you did that!! :)
