
Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to make your own glitter cuts

Have you seen those new Glitter Cuts that Fancy Pants came out with? And some of the little glitter die cut embellishments from Making Memories?

Well, I really like them, but I wanted to see if I could make some customized ones for me. You know how when you get new box of embellishments, and there's one in there that is your "favorite," and you don't want to use it on just anything?

I figured out a way to keep making the same glittery die cut over and over.

Get out a few favorite stamps, an acrylic block, some black Staz-on ink, and a plain ol' transparency sheet from the office supply store.

Stamp your main image on the sheet.

Add a few more images until it looks good to you.

Don't be afraid if the images don't impress well, or if there's a tiny mistake here and there... it won't show up in the final product.

Using Sharpies (or Slick Writers, or Gel Pens- the options are endless!), color in your images.

Again, don't be afraid to make a few little mistakes.

Once it's all colored in, get out your Stickles. You can tell that the colors of my Stickles don't match the colors of my Sharpies, but that's ok. I wanted the layered colors, as you'll see in the pics below. Go ahead and color in your image to your discretion with the different colors of Stickles, or just use the clear Diamond Stickles to let the Sharpie's colors come through.

This is what it looks like before Stickles.

This is what it looks like after! (Click on it to see it bigger.)

All you need to do now is cut it out and use it on a card, a layout, or whatever else your little heart desires!

This whole thing took me MAYBE 15 minutes... and you just have to wait for the Stickles to dry after that. (You could use an embossing gun to speed up the drying process, but I'd be worried that it would warp the transparency.)

You could also use this same technique with rub ons instead of stamps, pre-printed transparencies like Hambly, or you could print your own designs from the computer onto transparency. Fun stuff!

Don't forget to come register on our new message board! I'd love to see you over there! :)


  1. Wow I love that. Must try it out tonigth


  2. ACKKKK i was just thinking of this....that is the best tip and technique...also you can use alcohol if you make a big mistake to wipe off the staz on and start all over.....

    WOOT WOOT!!!! i am so going to try this tonight

  3. This looks great !
    thanks for the tech

  4. love this technique...i need to try more things like this! thanks!

  5. OMG, V!!!! These are so incredibly awesome!!!
