
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home Sweet Home- Journal

Lucky 21. That would be lucky because my birthday is on the 21st of August. :)
Sarah said...
This is VERY cute!My favourite season? That's really hard to choose, because I love all of them for entirely different reasons. I think I'm going to have to choose summer though, 'cause the long light nights (in the UK) mean my lack-of-light-blues are knocked into touch. Bliss :)
This summer my hubby and I are searching for our very first home. We are uber excited to find the right one. It can also be very frustrating at times. :) I created a blank journal, to document the process of this new chapter!

I did a little painting, sewing and distressing. I'm in love with crackle paint. The five foot two kit is all sold out...but it's no wonder. It's even better in person! To brighten things up.... I'd like to host a tiny giveaway. I have 3 sets of tags (2 of which were in this kit- speech bubbles & summer tickets) I'll let you choose the third one. :)
Just leave a comment about your favorite season. Right about now I'm wishing it was fall. I'll choose a winner tomorrow at 5 pm. :)

It's 107 degrees here in a place we like to call the armpit of Cali. ;) ugh... hope everyone is having better weather than us.

Off to the pool....



  1. So cute! I love that tiny heart & house. I'm a bit addicted to the crackle paint too! Good luck house hunting!

  2. Super cute!
    My favorite season is fall, or whenever it's not hot! I live in So Cal so it gets pretty hot!

    ~Gloria Gomez

  3. Fall is definitely my favorite. Fresh new school supplies, colorful leaves, crisp air...yum!
    Love the little house journal! I need to do something similar for my photos of our first house...

  4. What a cute journal- love it! Those colors are great!

    My favorite season.... that's a toughy I'd say right in between spring and summer and between summer and fall. hahah does that count?

  5. In Texas, Spring is definitely the best weather. Summer is too hot, Fall and Winter are so wishy washy, no snow, etc.

  6. My favorite is summer... We haven't had much of a summer here in the Northeast yet, mostly just rain, so I would love your 107 degree weather!

    Love that little album! Too cute!

  7. I LOVE a lot of things about the cover of your mini!!!! I hope that the weather cools off for you! I don't mind the summer but my favorite season would be Fall as well. The weather is still warm and the summer visitors are gone ;)

  8. Super cute Veronica!
    For me I wish it would be really summer, not really having the best July and June ever.... rainning most of the time and not hot!
    If not I would apreciate to back track to Spring and enjoy it again!

  9. Your Home Sweet Home journal is fabulous! My fav season is definately summer. I love the hot sun and going to watch my sons baseball games, hanging out with friends and having bbq's.

  10. Loving the cute little book! Good luck on your home hunt. :)

    I used to be all about Fall, but as I get older I find myself loving Spring more and more...there's just something about all the "newness" of it all...

  11. aww... that is so sweet. I wish I had done something like that when we went thru the home buying process.

    I LOVE fall (autumn), the colors, the leaves, the pumpkins, the coolness in the air, the walks, back to school, Halloween, I love it all. I LOVE fall so much, that we got married in October and had a fall theme wedding with several varities of pumpkins, colorful leaves, cat tails, and all the earthy colors of fall.

    Good luck with your home buying! You sure made a cute journal to keep track of it all!

  12. I love spring. Not too hot, not too cold and lots of flowers!

  13. Fall is my favorite! I live in TX, so no, it's not the leaves turning's the cooler weather - time for sweatshirts and jeans...and my favorite holidays: Halloween, T-giving, Xmas, are around the corner. I'd say spring, but that also means that summer is around the corner - and so are the hot hot temps!
    Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  14. Living in FL there really isn't a fall but we have Hurricane season! :)

  15. I love the house album and the crackle paint makes it look great! I wish I could get my hands on that kit!! My fav season is fall. I like the way the air turns crisp. Thank for a chance to win.

  16. I really love fall - not that trilled with Halloween but love all the rest of it, but I also like winter - love snowflakes and snowmen - and spring because of all the vibrant colors - and summer because I live just south of Redding, CA and with over 100 degree temps for days and days it really makes you love all the other seasons!!

  17. I can find something I love in each season - but am usually ready for the next one before it ends ! I love early autumn, the light is spectacular and we're out of shorts ! xx

  18. My fave season is winter, when it snows....

  19. I just adore the crackle effect crackle paint never results like that!
    My fave season is definatly summer. Spring is getting a bit tiresom now as we are in the middle of a major thunder storm as I type! I love to be able to get up in the morning and open all the windows and doors, and have breakfast in the garden!
    Lou XX

  20. This is VERY cute!
    My favourite season? That's really hard to choose, because I love all of them for entirely different reasons. I think I'm going to have to choose summer though, 'cause the long light nights (in the UK) mean my lack-of-light-blues are knocked into touch. Bliss :)

  21. My favourite season is probably Autumn - it used to be my birthday season until I moved hemispheres! I love the crispness and the colours and that feeling it gives you of making the most of every last sunny day before winter comes.
    Love your new home mini book!

  22. This is just beyond fabulous! And what fun to have this record book to look back at! You got the texture of you crackle paint so perfect...I'm jealous! ;-)

  23. Wow, I won something! Thanks so much! How does this work? My email is if that helps! :)

  24. Oh! The crackle paint is soooo addicting!!! I LOVE how you've used it here! The greens, oranges, reds and yellows are such a great color combo here! Fall is my favorite season! :D
