
Saturday, August 1, 2009

My first 2 pager

Holy smokes folks! This was the toughest assignment EVER for me! It literally took me 2 weeks to get done...and it is still that plain looking. :) Oh well...I can now add "completed a 2 page layout" to my life's checklist..LOL!
This was done with the October Afternoon Road Map collection. I also added the Thckers, and some ephemera, that were in the Penny Arcade kit. Other than that everything comes in the kit. And if you are intested in picking that up then listen up...Starting Monday there will be a FREE SHIPPING sale (on all order over $75) over at the store!! So head over early to get your shop on, as I have added a ton of items to the clearance and bargain basement sections!
Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love your layout, congrats on doing a 2 pager. A long time ago I used to always say I was a 2 page scrapper, then I looked through my books & realized most were one pagers, lol.

    I think your layout looks great, but if you feel it is a bit plain, maybe inking the edges will add enough to it. It is the only thing I could think of that would not over power what you have already done.

  2. it's hard isn't it...i have an appreciation for gretchen...that girl can rock a 2 pager like no ones business...
    congrats on your first ever 2 pager...LOL
