
Saturday, September 19, 2009

About to Pop & One Fall Day

I've had this layout planned in my head for quite a while, and finally sat down to do it!

I cannot tell you how many times I hear the phrase "You look like you're about to pop!" whenever I go out and about these days. I've heard it soooo many times in the past few years, that I've gotten a little... well... irritated about hearing it! hehe I figured this was something I definitely needed to document!

As soon as I saw the die cut paper from the Five Foot Two kit, I knew that was what I was going to use as part of the whole "popping" theme. I continued that concept along with lots of circular accents.
Layers of patterned paper, die cuts, and lollipop flowers....

A little sparkle is added to the alpha stickers with some stickles.

I'm writing this post early and setting it to post later... wouldn't it be wonderful if by the time this posted, I'd "popped!" ;)


Here is my layout for the current challenge! If you haven't checked it out yet, make sure to! The prize is PHENOMENAL!!!

I used bits and pieces from older kits that I've been hoarding:

Day By Day
Lovely Day
Five Foot Two
I kind of got a little carried away with all my embellishing, but I was really in a "Fall" type mood! :)

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