
Monday, September 28, 2009

Dollar Store Find: Kitchen Towels

I admit it. I LOVE to browse dollar stores! :D I don't know if it's the thrifty side of me, or the creative side of me . . . but I like to find things that I can change up or alter in some way. Especially if I can use it in scrapbooking. :)

This time when I went to the dollar store the kitchen towels caught my eye with all their lovely colors and textures! I've been wanting to play with fabric a bit on my pages so I thought this would be an inexpensive way to try it out. :)

On these two pages I used sections of a towel as a layer on my page, the same way I would use a sheet of patterned paper. I used large stitches and machine sewing to keep the layers in place.

I also used a gold textured towel to create page accents by running it through my die cut machine. I made layered flowers and stars. LOVE the way these turned out and I can't wait to make a bazillion more.

Next time you are at the dollar store, try to see materials in a new light. It will get you thinking creatively and push you out of the box. Have fun!



  1. Totally gorgeous LO's, great thinking with the dollar store towels!!!!! :)

  2. Excellent idea. Your layouts are great!

  3. Very cool. My friend is taking this class (Tania's) on line using fabric. Brilliant idea and it adds so much to your pages.

  4. You are so darn clever! What a fantastic idea, I love it!
