
Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day 4th grade...

I love this sweet picture of my daughter starting the 4th grade. She started 7th grade this year and her hair has grown out long again... I love scrapping older pictures of the kids to see how much they have changed!
I used the Core Curriculum kit for this layout. I usually have a struggle mixing papers from different manufacturers and love having the Noel Mignon kit to kind of take the hard work out of it for me.

On another note... if you haven't been to the forums lately.. run over and check out the sneaks for the October kit... WAY cute... I am glad I have one of these set aside.. you can reserve yours by PM'ing Noel and she will make sure you get one... this bad boy is going to sell out quick so hurry! :)

Have a great day!

Circus Life


  1. Gorgeous Kim!! The pops of red are oh so "schoolish"... :)

  2. Kim, your work is always gorgeous! love this!
