
Friday, October 2, 2009

Diggin' up Old Photos....

We are redoing many rooms in our house, which means many picture frames were cleaned out and I had put pictures behind pictures. I came across this old picture of my girl when she was only 6 months old. Do you see those cheeks? Aren't they the most pinchable cheeks you've ever seen? Her dad had taken her for her first Halloween portrait all by himself as a way to surprise me. (Cuz everyone knows how picture crazy I am! ) What a sweet guy.......

Now my girl is 14........*sigh* Where does the time go?

Used Noel's 31st kit! (sold out already!) But don't worry, cuz the November sneaks are starting click HERE to see 'em!

1 comment:

  1. How cute!!! And what a sweet surprise your hubby did for you! :)
