
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Costumes '09

I love that I had the 31st kit (sold out!) on hand to be able to scrap these pics of the kids in their costumes this year... it's just the best Halloween kit!!!

I love that it's not too spooky for these sweet little faces, but has plenty of whimsy and color to make it work for any costume. :)

Psssst- don't tell Thickers, but I think I might be cheating on them with these stickers from Pink Paislee. Gosh I love their glittery-ness and the different sizes!!!

By the way, if you're reading this through google reader or bloglines, make sure to click on over here to see the new blog design- it looks so pretty! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, gosh this is cute! I love how you used the journal papers as layers and accents! Your kids are darling!
