
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Little Tenderheart

When I am in a scrapping rut, I love to use pictures of interior design as inspiration to find color combos/ratios for my page. I also use these pictures as a way to draw sketches to start me on my creative path.

Here is one I did recently using the Noel Mignon Mill Street kit. (Photo is from the Country Living website)

This is the sketch I initially drew up using the picture as the inspiration. Do you recognize the shape of the chair, pillow, small table and couch in the shapes of the layers? :)

But as I worked, my page ended up looking more like this one. When using sketches, don't be afraid to adjust them if they aren't working for you. Go with the flow. Listen to your heart and let it take you on your own unique path. :)

And here is the actual page.

I used the Noel Mignon Mill Street kit. The letter stickers are by Collage Press and the crystal accents are by Zva Creative. The burlap is from my stash.

Thanks for coming by!

1 comment:

  1. you have such a knack for adding so many perfect touches. Its beautiful!
