
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is my take on our current challenge. I used bits of pieces from the Mill Street Kit and the Dear Santa kit (along with a few things from my stash).

(You can see how I made this background for my layout here on our Tips & Techniques blog.)

My journaling is from an old blog post. It reads:

Motherhood came as shock to me.

After trying unsuccessfully for a couple of years to conceive, I was elated when I found out I was pregnant with Em. When we discovered that we were having a little girl, my excitement- and number of daydreams- rose. I fantasized about pigtails and giggles and little pink clothes. We couldn't wait to meet this tiny little girl.

Then... Em arrived, in all her screaming wiggly glory. Quiet & sleep became a thing of the past. No more "moments to myself." Leaving the house became near impossible for a while.

I had loads of problems breastfeeding (something I had always been determined to do). Unbeknownst to me, Emerson had a painful case of acid reflux that made eating and laying down really uncomfortable for her, which equalled a screaming baby all the time. To top it all off, I ended up getting a severe infection. This left both Em and I in a soggy, crying mess most days.

My idealized fantasies of strolling around the mall as a cute new mom with her adorble pink, be-ribboned doll child went right out the window.

Things slowly got better over time. My infection healed, Em was prescribed medication for her acid reflux, and I began to get showers every day. (LOL)

Four months into being a mommy, I found out I was going to be one again.

I learned how to juggle morning sickness and early morning bottles; my naps and her naps; OB check-ups and play dates; a little one on my lap, sharing space with the new one in my ever-expanding tummy.

It wasn't "planned" by Shaun & I... but God knew we were ready for this. I was scared I wouldn't be able to give the kiddos the best mothering, but somehow we make it through every day with lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggles.

I couldn't imagine our life any differently.

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