
Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Do you journal about the not so pretty parts of your life? The day to day heartaches that we all face? I know we all try to focus on the happy parts of our lives, but isn't it important for our children to know that we are "real" people, with "real" feelings? My Mom always said to me that she was Judy first and a mother second. For some reason that always stuck, and I wish I could have read journals or diaries of my mother's thoughts as a younger person. So this LO reflects my feelings right now. Not always pretty is it? I challenge you to write about something personal.....not necessarily happy or upbeat. Maybe a struggle you have with yourself, your spouse or a family member. Isn't our heartache a part of who we are too?

If you feel so inclined to share.....please leave a comment, I would love to see your LO!


  1. Very inspiring and beautiful page! Thank you for sharing this.

  2. That is a beautiful LO. Love the soft colors and, of course, the emotion that went into creating it. I'm sorry to read about your friend and also the struggles your son is dealing with. Take care.

  3. this is sooooooooooooooo touching!!! loveeeeeeeeeee it michele! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. your art and your words are nice to have all parts of our lives documented- even the times that are not all warm and fuzzy!
