
Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Sale, a New Guest Designer, and BIG NEWS!!!

Happy May Day and National Scrapbook Day everyone! I have lots of news to share with you today.
First up...the entire store is on sale this weekend in honor of NSD, so head on over and load up on tons of goodies! Items are discounted anywhere from 10-70% off, so shop early for best selection!
Next up...I would like to thank Anabelle O'Malley for being our guest designer for April. She made such beautiful creations throughout the month with the Sonoma County kit. She is a such a sweet person, and is a true pleasure to work with. Thanks Anabelle!! (P.S) I have no idea why all my emails to you bounced...but they did...weird! :(
Our May guest designer is none other than Stephanie Howell! She will be working with the Playdate kit, and will be posting here each and every Tuesday, so be sure to check in to see her ideas on how to use all the fun elements included in this kit! Welcome Stephanie!! :)

Now...did I say BIG NEWS??? Well I meant it! I am holding a design team call. I has been a long time since I have done this...but it's happening.

So, here are the details:
*The call will run from today through May 10th, those chosen for the team will be notified by May 15th.
*I am looking for 6-8 designers
*If applying you must be on only ONE other, or NO other scrapbook kit DTs. One is the maximum.
*You may be on manufacturer teams
*Please email me your resume, LINKS to work (galleries) and attachments with the title DT CALL APPLICATION.
*If chosen you will be required to post weekly on this blog, and participate in our bi-weekly challenges. So basically 4-6 items per month minimum. If you have purchased my kits in the past then you know that one kit is plenty to make 10 creations or more.
*If chosen you will receive a kit every other month for free, plus be eligible for 20% off of the months you are not scheduled to receive the kits, and always free shipping on all your orders.
*The term for this call is 6 months, beginning June 1st, and ending Nov. 30th.

I think that's it...but if I have forgotten anything I will add it here as I think of it. Please email any questions you might have. Thanks so much guys, and have a beautiful weekend! :)


  1. Wow, I can't wait to see Stephanie's creations...I love her photography and work!! And what a fabulous opportunity for the DT!! Happy NSD!!

  2. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY for Stephanie!!! And Yayyyyyyyyyyy for the DT CALL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Wow - sounds like fun - love your kits!

  4. YAY!!!! I am SOOO EXCITED! I was just thinking this last week that I wishe you would hold a DT call! OMGosh.....gotta get my best creativity mojo flowing! ;) Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. Woo-hoo!!! This is what I was waiting for. (-: I'm definitely throwing my hat in the ring. (-: So exciting!!!

  6. I suppose I should check first if you are accepting international applications??? Pretty please??? (-:

  7. Woohoo for Stephanie! I can't wait to see what she does with a NM kit!!! AND woohoo for a DT call! Can't tell you how long I've been waiting for another call! Yay yay yay!!!

  8. Thanks, Noel!! I had a wonderful month. ;) And Congrats to Stephanie. Can't wait to see her gorgeous designs with the kits. ;)

  9. So Excited!! Can't wait to see the new creations from Stephanie and Great job Annabelle! And what awesome BIG NEWS!!

  10. What an awesome opportunity! Looking forward to Stephanie's creations!!

  11. Wow this looks like fun!!! Can't wait to see what Stephanie created! ;-)

  12. Wowz. . .I imagine you are going to get slammed with talent to be on your dt! It's still exciting to have an opportunity. LOVe Steph Howell and can't wait to see what she creates with your kits. :)

  13. I just discovered you and your kits are amazing!! Wish I'd known of you sooner! I'll definitely take a chance, cross my fingeres and toes, and try out for your team! Thanks for offering up a great opportunity!!

  14. wow great opportunity love the kits here. Can't wait to see what the guest designer does!!
