
Friday, June 4, 2010

Intro: Diana Brodeur

Oh my gosh! Where do I start! Well first off, my name is Diana Brodeur. I live in Lawton, Oklahoma with my two little girls, Aryanna and Jaina. Oh and I can’t forget our ever lovable cat, Felix. I work full time at a local bank as an Information Security Officer. I have a degree in Accounting and I was an auditor for my first two years out of college before I took my current job.

I started scrapbooking right before my first daughter was born. A coworker of mine introduced me to it and I was hooked right from the beginning! I stopped scrapbooking for a little over a year and then picked it up full force again in 2008. I love how versatile this hobby is. I love that you can record your precious memories, use it as therapy, or just to be able to create something fun.

Ok. Let’s move on to the Q&A portion shall we…

When did your style click for you?
I would say early 2009. I have been scrapbooking for a few years and am always trying out different styles and techniques. When I was putting all my layouts into albums a couple of months ago, I noticed that the majority of my layouts have lots of white space with my papers and photos usually clustered in a particular area on a layout. And yes, I am one of those scrappers that waits until there is a stack of layouts on my shelf before I put them in albums. Shame on me! Hehe. I also love to add some mist and sewing to my layouts to give them a finishing touch. Grant it, I don’t do it all the time, but the majority of my layouts have one or both items.

(This layout was made with goodies from the Lemonade Stand Kit.)

Share with us any tips you have for recording memories until you get a chance to scrapbook them?
Most of my ideas for a page come to me while I am at work. Once an idea pops in my head, I just grab a sticky note and write it down. Let me tell ya, by the end of the day I have quite a collection of sticky notes to take home! I also keep a notebook to write down anything my daughters say or do that I want to save for when I have the perfect picture to go with it.

What is the most recent scrapbooking-related lesson, technique, or skill you have learned?
I have been following Christine Middlecamp’s doily layering tutorial. It has really inspired me to layer products to create my own unique embellishment on my layouts. You should try it sometime. It’s tons of fun!

I am so excited to be part of the team and hope to inspire you with my little creations! And don’t forget! Tomorrow is the big “Sunkissed” kit reveal! Run, don’t walk to purchase your kit. I promise this is one you don’t want to miss! And if you get a chance, stop by my blog as well. Have a great weekend everyone!

Until later!

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