
Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Tip Time!!

Hey y'all!! Okay, I'm not from the south, but I just watched three episodes of Paula Dean and I just can't help myself!
It so cannot already be Thursday! Seriously, this whole time thing just totally eludes me. I don't know about you, but I never quite seem to have enough of it!!

This is my Double Trouble Challenge layout, and I used a couple of tricks that I wanted to share with you. The first is about journaling.

Do you ever find that you get to a certain point in your layout and realize that you haven't given a single thought to what you want to actually say about it? Yeah, me too. I've found that a great way to remedy this little problemo is to follow a line on the layout with some kind of journaling. On this page I decided to follow the outer circle on the patterned paper. It was the perfect amount of space for journaling - just enough to get the point across without writing a dang novel! The other great thing about this is that it sorta darkens up the layout. Kinda provides an anchor to the two separate pieces, and if we're being honest, that's the real reason I journaled that way - I needed to darken up the page a bit and unify those two separate pieces. I think it worked!

The other little tip is to mess up the photo itself. Sometimes the photo can seem too separate from the rest of the page, and the best way to fix that is to draw/journal/paint/stamp/punch/sew/etc. right over the top of it. In this case I applied those little heart rubons over the bottom of the photo, and I also shook a bit of Smooch Spritz over the top of it.

There are so many fun little tricks to try out. They can be a little scary to experiment with, but I find I'm usually happy with the end result. So what are you waiting for? Get to scrappin' and don't forget to post your layouts over at the gallery - can't wait to see what you make!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I adore this is just perfect and thank you so much for sharing these ideas with us...So many times I think my photo is sticking out like a sore thumb!!!! Love the journaling technique!!!!
