
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Quick Tip of the Day

Today I am going to share with you a little trick that I use to determine where to place my titles and stickers on my layouts. I used to place them directly on my layouts but sometimes I did not like where I originally put them and wanted to move them. Well whenever I would do that, I would always have the unfortunate luck of tearing the paper just a tad. It was very frustrating. Then I discovered wax paper and my problem was solved! What I did to remedy this dilemma is place a piece of wax paper on my layout and then place my stickers and title where I think I want them to go. Since these items don't really stick to the wax paper, it is very easy to move things around without loosing the stickiness of the backing or tearing your paper. Awesome right? Here you can see where I used my wax paper to determine my title and flower sticker placement.

All I need to do now is removed the wax paper and place everything where I want it to go. And just like that, I have a completed layout that I like without having to do any cover ups from accidentally torn paper.

Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. Very smart! Thanks for the tip! =)


  2. This is soooo smart!! :) (One of those smack your forehead moments where you say to yourself, "Now, why didn't I think of that?!) On top of that . . . what a CUTE page! I love how you used a little bit of the MME and accented your title with that happy flower! :D

  3. Neat idea - I'll have to remember that!
