
Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm Thrifty! (Sort of!)

Good morning and happy Sunday to you! I don't know if I am an oddity or if other crafters look at everything and wonder if they could possibly use that item in their scrapbooking......somehow. I can't bear to throw anything away until it's gotten the "Kovack once over!" Take tissue paper for example. I have lots of it......all ready for those gift bags.....but instead of sticking it out the top of a gift bag, it could be used to create butterflies......that are die cut and Glimmer Misted!
.............Or stamped on and cut out to create this pretty flower.

Or how about an ordinary stick from your backyard? How about painting and glittering it so that your little birdie has a place to perch?

How about all of those clothes that your children grow out of? Instead of immediately throwing them in the Goodwill bag, ask yourself, "Self? Would these die cut into pretty butterflies? or possibly flowers?" If the answer is yes.....grab that pair of shorts or old T-shirt and die cut away! Or tear it into strips and make your own ribbons with it! Oh, and see the scrunchy ribbon? That was my tutorial last week using Glimmer Mist and used coffee grounds. I use coffee grounds A LOT to stain my ribbons! I've even used coffee grounds mixed with paint and glue to create "dirt." (If you missed any of those tutorials click on them! : )

For this LO of my niece using the new "Office Party" kit, I used gauze from my stash. Yep....gauze. Even medical supplies are not safe in my hot little hands! LOL! I Glimmer Misted it and glued it down. I added some tiny rocks/shells to emulate the lake.

Some other things I stash are doilies from hotel rooms. (I slip them into my purse alllll the time!). Twill from my daughter's shorts that no longer fit. Jean pockets cut away from the rest of the jeans to make a cute pocket for your journaling and such. Aluminum foil die cut for interesting shapes or title. I used bubble wrap once to create waves for a watery LO I did years ago.
So before you throw anything away be sure to look at it with your crafty eyes! You might surprise yourself with what you come up with! And sometimes those thrifty finds are the most interesting!


  1. This is what makes your scrapping style so "you". You always think of excellent ways to re-use items that aren't necessarily intended for scrapping in the most creative ways!

    This LO is one of my faves from you!

  2. Gorgeous examples! I too, see just about everything as scrap material. I especially love keeping the tags from clothing to make quick tags or journaling spots! Thanks for the to check out your tutorials!

  3. Thank goodness you use every little bit of everything! Reduce, reuse and recycle is so importnat these days!!! LOVE your page! :)

  4. Going to start looking at things a little differently, already got a shirt Nate is growning too big for in mind, love your gorgeous layout and the stick from the backyard is just awesome, thank you for the wonderful ideas here. Melxx
