
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Seasonal tips

Hi Everyone!! Today I am going to talk to you about Seasonal LOs! :D Now know that I do not normally do these because holidays are just so hard to do for me! And I have heard that it is the same for a lot of people. So I know I am not alone! :D

I decided for my seasonal LO here to just use the colors of the season instead of doing a LO about that particular season. I thought this was much easier. :D The picture is from the fall, and all the colors remind me of fall, but I didn't have to say anything in my journaling about the fact that it was fall. Instead the journaling relates to something very different. I chose to talk about the way my daughter has made me feel as a person, because she has changed me so much and made me a much better person. :D

I used the Lemonade Stand kit here (sorry Sold Out!), and it actually had so many wonderful fall colors in it! The picture I chose is not actually from the moment I felt independent, but I really like this picture of my daughter and me.

Well I hope you all thought this was a little easier way to scrap those seasonal photos! For me at least it made it not quite so daunting, having to use seasonal supplies and themed things, instead just go with colors and what makes you happy! :D

Have a great Sunday everyone!


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