
Monday, August 2, 2010

Inspired by a Memory: A Page Re-do

A NEW Challenge has been posted on the Noel Mignon Challenge Blog . . . the Now & Then Challenge.

We were to take an old layout and rescrap it using newer products.

I really do believe there is no such thing as a RIGHT or WRONG way to scrap. However, there are several pages in my books that have never felt "right" to me. Usually it's because I didn't capture the feeling of that memory. The two-pager below is one of those layouts that makes me cringe every time I see it. --Please try not to laugh TOO hard. ;) --

PICNIC TIME - Scrapped in 2006

This is a page recording a picnic we had with my family while on a fall drive back in October 2006. What don't I like about this page? Well, for one thing, the papers I chose overpower the memory. We DID have a picnic, but what I remember MORE about that day was the beautiful fall colors, how much fun it was to be with my family, and the fact that my youngest was just a baby. :)

I like that I chose a fall picture as the main focus of the layout. I also like the smaller photos showing my family members, but I do NOT like the photos of us eating . . . you can't even see anyone's face! What was I thinking?!

FALL DRIVE - NEW page - Scrapped 2010

(Page created with the Noel Mignon Office Party Kit)

When I recreated the page, I let the MEMORY of this event inspire me. I kept the fall photo as the focus of the page (feeling of the fall drive), and then surrounded it with pictures of family members and pictures illustrating our relationships (the memory of spending time with my family). I made sure to include a picture of little baby Camryn and also my sister-in-law who has since divorced my brother (but who I will always consider my SIL).

I clustered the photos together in a collage using a template by Scrapbooks Etc. magazine (download for free on the Scrapbooks Etc. website).This helps keep the design simple. I also kept the patterns and embellishments surrounding the photos simple so they would support the photos and not overpower them.

I was able to include the same amount of journaling by writing around the outside edge of the photo-grouping.

I'm so happy with the way it came out! It feels "right" this time. :D

So come play along with us in the latest Now & Then Challenge! You KNOW you've been meaning to redo one of "those" pages. ;) And this challenge is the perfect way to give yourself that extra little PUSH to get it done. ;)

See you next time!


  1. I absolutely LOVE the large photo in the middle surrounded by the supporting shots. Very effective way to tell the story of the day!
