
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mixing your kits....and a fun share!

Good afternoon everyone!! :D

Today I am going to share the LO I did for the awesome Layout Tag Team we did on the Noel Mignon Message Board! This was my first time participating in one of these and OMGoodness it was a lot of fun! It was really great to see the end result with the slideshow and see how each person interpreted the LO before them! If you are curious as to how this game works then just check out this thread here. :D One major thing I learned with this game is that I really need to work on making sure I turn out a LO fast! At least faster than I normally do, even if things go nuts at home! LOL! I really held the team up big time (SO SO SORRY GIRLS!), so next time I need to make sure that I stay on it! :D Cause it really is a fun game, and I hate to be the party pooper! LOL!

Anyway-the reason I was sharing it is because I decided to mix and match my kits for this LO, and I really had a lot of fun doing it! It is the perfect thing to do when you start feeling a little burned out on a kit, or are running out of things that are your normal go-to's in the kit. And it also lets you incorporate other colors and textures that may be lacking in other kits. Not that ANY of Noel's awesome kits are lacking by any means!! LOL! No she jam packs those things with tons of awesome stuff! My main reason for mixing the kits is to incorporate other colors-like with my LO I used Office Party but took a lot of pink and such from Lemonade Stand, which clearly isn't in Office Party. :D

I will tell you all that it totally started out looking kinda like Britt's LO (who's I was supposed to use as inspo), but it just veered further and further away! LOL! I had four photos on there, the fourth just wasn't fitting and these three looked better just as three so I stuck with them. And then the whole rest of the LO just started to change. :P But Britt's was the beginning inspo I promise! :D

So the next thing I was going to share with you is actually pretty stinkin embarrassing for me! So please please do not laugh at my shares here! I do it enough for all of us, trust me! The LOs and cards I am sharing below are actually from my very first Noel Mignon DT application from back in May of 2008! That's right! I tried out very very early in my beginning scrapbooking days. These LOs and cards aren't really ones that I EVER share anymore with anything, but they are no secret because all you would have to do to see them is just go the beginning of my blog. :D I looked up my first application and read my little blurb that I had written to Noel, and I could not stop giggling and hitting myself in the head over how silly I was back then! We all laugh at ourselves when we look back. Or at least we all should. :D But the thing that really got me in the blurb was the fact that I said I had a 9 month old daughter!!!! OMgosh! I can't believe so much time has gone by and that my daughter, who will be 3 next month, was actually ever that tiny! Boohoo! :( They grow up too fast.

Ok onto the shares: You can totally see in these how much my scrapbooking-and photographing-have changed! I just can't stop saying OMGOSH what was I thinking?! LOL!
See what I mean?!! Oh so embarrassing! LOL! I remember making those like they were yesterday though! :D Fun times.

Last thing I am going to talk to you about is the Sweet Sue kit! Mine is in the mail as I type on it's lovely way to me, and I can't wait!!! :D Everything in this kit looks divine! There are still 13 left (I think, some may have been bought since I typed this...), so run over to here and pick yours up! Full list of contents with the link above. And be sure to also check out Virginia's adorable video of the contents on the blog here!! She always does an awesome job of displaying the kit so nicely in her videos! :D

Take Care everyone!! Hope you all have a great day!


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