
Friday, August 6, 2010

Swimmy Sketch

I made this sketch while listening in church. Shhhhhh! ;) It helps me to concentrate!

Then last night, I made this layout using the Office Party kit (3 left!!) and a few pieces from the Lemonade Stand kit (sold out!!).
I used some Glimmer Mist that is similar to this color of Shimmerz Spritz (Sea Foam) that is in the shop! It looks really pretty combined with the rough & rugged touches from the Office Party kit.

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  1. AWESOME sketch, V!!! And I am so in love with the artsy techniques and shabby details you add to everything. Your pages are ART! :D

  2. I am loving the inking on this page! Add in all the different layers and SWOON! I am in LOVE!
