
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Card Sketch

So I headed out early today and got lost in LA which
explains the late posting!!! LOL!
I laugh because it is relief from the stress. It was no
picnic that's for sure.

I have been into making cards for about 2 years of my
6 years scrapbooking thus todays sketch!!! Baby Kyra
has me in baby mode still so I used the soft baby colors.
Craft, pink, and white happen to be one of my favorite
color combos because you can never go wrong with it.

Since we will be saying goodbye to summer soon I also
wanted to put a little sunflower flair in this sketch as well.
It can be either or of your liking! =)
Next week I will be back with a few takes of this sketch
of my own using Sweet Sue.

See you soon!!!

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