
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fall Fashion Challenge-double pager!

Hi Everyone!! So today I am sharing with you my LO for the current challenge-Fall Fashion Inspiration! Now the main picture I went off of actually didn't make it into the challenge post but I can describe it to you-it was pretty much just a really long photo collage of a lot of models in Fall 2010 fashions with some simple scrolls on the edges to decorate. I loved the look of the collage and thought well it has been a really really long time since I have done a two pager, and I have actually never done a huge collage-so I decided to give it a go! :D

I also took a lot of inspo from the colors of the clothing in the photos of the Fall 2010 fashions-they were really rich and I just swooned for them all! :D So I really tried to incorporate them into my LO, the best I could. :P I used my awesome new Sweet Sue kit for it, and totally just love how it worked perfectly for my LO! (Only a few left of this kit so make sure you grab yours!!)

(Click on image for a larger picture!)

The pictures I chose to make the collage with (which was a pain in the butt to do btw! LOL! there has got to be a template out there somewhere!) were from last fall. The colors were just so gorgeous-and similar to what I needed-that I chose to use those for the challenge. :D

And a few close ups of the embellishments:

I hope you all enjoy the challenge as much as I did! I was a little nervous at first but once I just let go and took what I wanted from the pictures I had tons of fun! :D

Can't wait to see what you all do!



  1. Absolutely beautiful, Amy...I love this!!!

  2. Beautiful photos, Amy! I love the way the clusters guide your eye around your layout. :)
