
Friday, September 24, 2010

Sidetracked Home Executives Card File

I've been having a hard time lately with our new fall schedules... trying to figure out how to balance one kiddo in school, two others in Mom's Day Out, and doctor's appointments, birthday parties, story time at the library, and all the other chaos in between!

Whenever life starts getting extra hectic like this, I start really struggling with time management at home. I end up not starting stuff that *has* to get done because I get discouraged with the thought of being interrupted (one of the many pitfalls of perfectionism- if I can't do it right the first time, why bother at all?!). BUT- no one can function like that, right? And the least, we'll never have clean undies. ;)

This is where I turn to the Sidetracked Home Executives system. Cheesy name, great system. :)

You can click here to read my full description of it on my blog from a few years ago. In a nutshell, you basically create an index card for each item that would be on a daily "to do" list, and a divider card for each day of the week.
I made an updated, simpler version for myself this week with a tin from the Target Dollar Spot and the Sweet Sue kit (plus some ribbon from my stash & some October Afternoon Mini Market stickers ).
I just need a way to keep me focused on the things each day I *must* accomplish, without being overwhelmed with seeing a whole list. Once I'm done with the task for the day, I move it behind the divider card for the next day.

I have other kinds of cards of things that aren't necessarily reminders (like I would ever forget that my kids are going to Mom's Day out!), but events that imply changes in my daily routines.

I also have cards for my design team assignments for each week, so I can work on them ahead of time and don't feel like I'm rushing to get things done the night beforehand. Setting aside time for me each day gives me more encouragement to keep going on the yucko tasks because I know that I will get time later, because I've planned for it! I also have things planned for like story time or craft time with my kids. They won't happen every day, but at least I know that there will be times for it.

If you're curious about a full list of all my cards, just let me know and I can post them in the message board!

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  1. Lovely way to do the cards! I actually started the card system but then changed to a control journal by

    Great stuff!
