
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Stickles and Letter Sheets

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to go over a couple of techniques that I used to create my layout.

I have to admit I was so excited to see that there was a bottle of Stickles included in the Sweet Sue kit (hurry only 7 left!!!). I used to use this stuff like it was going out of style! I would add Stickles everything! That made me start to wonder what fun things I could use the Stickles for in this kit. Then it hit me! I could add some Stickles to the Maya Road Star pin! First I added a layer of the Stickles on the pin. Once it was dry, I added a layer of Diamond Glaze to help bring back the shine.

Next up…letter sheets. You know the negative portion that is on the My Mind’s Eye letter sheet that is included the Sweet Sue kit? Well believe it or not, there is a use for them other than throwing them away after you’ve used up all the letters. You can use it as a mask! I used a different My Mind’s Eye letter sheet from a previous kit but any letter sheet will work just fine. Carefully peel the negative portion off of the backing and place it on your cardstock. But don’t press down on it too hard otherwise it will adhere too much to your cardstock and rip when you take it back off. After you have positioned your negative letter sheet where you want it on your layout, carefully place a sheet of paper around it so that you don’t get mist on the rest of your cardstock unless you want to do that. It does create another neat effect but I was going for a much cleaner look this go around. Liberally spray your negative letter sheet with varying colors of mist and let it dry. Once the mist has dried, slowly peel off your negative letter sheet. Viola! You now have a cool background for your layout.

Here is the completed layout where I used both of these techniques.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments section or on the message boards. I will be more than happy to answer them for you.

Have an awesome weekend!


  1. So cool!!! I have one of those star pins from one of my kits!! I will have to stickle it!! :) This is such a pretty page!!!

  2. LOVE your techniques on this Diana. The stickled pin is my fave!!
