
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who Knew?

Who knew that 10 months ago I would lose my best friend in the whole world. Unexpectedly. Suddenly. What doctors took as an earache, turned out to be meningitis. 38 years old. Scrapbooking isn't always about birthday parties and Christmas celebrations.....sometimes it is about the painful things in our lives. Remembering loved ones we've lost. It immortalizes them on a page......forever. I found these pics of Jen with my two children in 2000. I love that they show what kind of free spirit she was. The kind of gal who loved life and would give her very last penny to a stranger. This page brought many tears, but also a big smile to my face just remembering. (Office Party kit was used for this page)
The title comes from the P!nk song, "Who Knew." Listen or read the lyrics and you will understand.
My absolute favorite picture of my Cortney with Jen. So sweet.

Layered flowers from the Office Party kit (sold out) with dictionary cut flowers.......
Remember to not just scrap those happy times, but also the sad, the bad, and the ugly. The future generation will appreciate a complete picture of who you are. I want my children to know that I was sad over the loss of their Auntie Jen......and I don't want them to forget her. Ever. Now they won't.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your friend. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. This is really lovely Michele. I agree with you that it is important to scrap a loved one who has passed. It's almost like a little visit with them...hugs.

  3. That layout is really touching and very beautiful also!

  4. wow beautiful lo and tribute, this brought tears to my eyes.

  5. This brought tears to my eyes, Michele. It's really a beautiful layout and so incredibly sweet. ((hugs)) friend. I hope this was a little bit of healing for you.

  6. Such a sweet layout and a great tribute to your friend. You've inspired me to scrap some pages about my brother who passed recently. {{hugs}}
