
Monday, November 1, 2010

An All-Nighter!!

That's right! I stayed up all night and I must say that it all started with this little vixen of a kit. I couldn't wait to dig in, and here's what I came up with.

Gotta love that punnum! Loving that Jenni Bowlin paint dauber, too. Never made my own patterned paper before. And I'm likin' it!!

Layered a corrugate button, Restoration stickers, Pyrus brad, and those cuter than cute Jillibean pins! I tried to add some extra texture and depth to the photo by brushing the dauber over it. It just makes it look a little fuzzy around the edges, so your eye is drawn into the center.

Of course, there's lots of stitching and lots of vintage photo distress ink in there, too! It just wouldn't be a "me" layout without those!


  1. wow!! great layout! I love all the details!

  2. GORGEOUS display of the kit, Britt! Beautiful details!!! :D
