
Sunday, November 21, 2010

American Honey

Have you ever heard a song that just touches you? The lyrics just hit home? My daughter graduated 8th grade this year and her teacher made a video of her with the song from Lady Antelbellum called, American Honey. To me it's a growing up and moving through life kind of a song. My daughter has special needs and has certainly done her share of growing up and changing. It causes that lump in my throat and my heart to ache. But that's what kids do......grow up. I wanted to create a special LO for her........and I used Noel's older kit called Love Story. I used Brit's fabulous idea to create these paper fans for dimension. (Thanks Britt for your very cool idea!)
Did a bit of layering with my Thickers.....
I cut the letters with my Cricut and used one of my stamps for the jar of honey.
......and the lyrics to the song.....
I have a lump in my throat is my last week here with Noel Mignon. I have been on this fabulous team for a little over two years. I am sad to go......but it is my time to take a break. I will still be hanging around the boards. I want to thank you, Noel for making such fantastic kits, and for being such a truly sweet person.


  1. What a stunning layout Mechele, and what a gorgeous little girl you have, this put a lump in my throat, good luck in all your future endeavours. Melxx

  2. Love it love it love it!! Such a great layout!
