
Monday, November 29, 2010

Gift It

I've been thinking a lot about what to get my family and friends for Christmas this year, and I'm sure you're all having these thoughts as well. Let's face it, we're all trying to be careful right now - maybe cutting back on the number of gifts your giving each receiver, or choosing names from a hat (our extended family has always done this) or maybe you want to give everybody just a little something with that kind of "specialness" you just can't get in a store.

I've decided to give a few people scrapbooks filled with semi-pre-made layouts all ready for the finishing touches to be made.

Here is an example of the kind of page I'm talking about using the Dear Diary kit. You'll notice I've borrowed a couple of cuties from Noel!

See how I've left some blank spots? That's where the receiver can do her own journaling or add any other additional photos or mementos. You could also just make up layouts without any photos at all. This is perfect for the busy mom or the sister-in-law who wants to scrapbook, but just never finds the time. This way you can share your creativity with your loved-ones and also help them out in the the nostalgia department!

You may be thinking, "Who has time for that!?" but I can promise you it goes so much faster than scrapping your own photos. Follow a sketch. Make a few of the exact same page for multiple people. Use the same sketch for every page, using different color themes.

This is also a great way of using up your scraps and leftover kit contents. If you've used those burlap alphas to death on your pages, you can still use them all up on a gift. You won't have to look at them anymore, but you won't have wasted them either (that's always my goal).

You can do a simple album with maybe 12 pages in it for each month of the year. Or do a calendar using the same principle. When the year is over, they can just cut down each page and make it into an album.

There are LOTS of gift ideas to keep your holiday craftiness fun, inexpensive, and always appreciated over at the message board. Come pay us a visit!

Happy scrapping!
