
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Seasonal Layouts

Hi Everyone!!! The time is upon us to start scrapping all the holidays and seasonal themes! I ended up being really behind on Halloween (still haven't finished all my decorations-that are inevitably going to have to wait til next year to go up! :P) So I am working hard to stay ahead of the game with fall, Thanksgiving, winter and Christmas projects! :D

I am sharing with you today two LOs that I finished recently. I have never really done super seasonal LOs in the past, so this was kinda new for me! I have attempted it before but they just turn out awful. LOL! But these two I am actually happy with. Both were done for DT requiremtents over at Cosmo Cricket. I had a blast working with their new lines for the seasons-Matilda (halloween themed) and Mitten Weather (winter/Christmas themed)!

The first one was a lot of fun! I used the Matilda line, along with Cosmo's older Halloween line Haunted. I used this stamp set and this leaf template to create the leaves all over the LO. It was a lot of handcutting and inking, but I hadn't done anything like that in a long time so I really enjoyed the change. :D Everything else just sort of came together!

The next LO was actually a lot more difficult to do (and finish!) than the first. For some reason I have a real hard time with winter/Christmas themed LOs. :P Anyway, this was made with Mitten Weather. I wanted to tone down the color scheme, even though it is pretty light as it is, so I gessoed the background paper to give it a bit of a white-wash look. And I also chose majority of the lighter colors from the collection for my patchwork blocks. I used several of my Martha Stewart punches on the squares to create windows that would reveal a different patterned paper behind them. I still need to add my journaling to this LO, as it kinda looks pretty plain to me. :P

I have many more Holiday projects planned, and like I said before, I am really working on staying ahead of the game with getting them done! That way I might actually have them finished before the Holidays pass! LOL! :P
The absolute next thing I am working on, though, just happens to be with the new Dear Diary kit that I just received last night!!! Woohoo! I love this kit so much, and can't wait to start digging into it today! :D Go here to pick up yours (only 4 left!!) and check out all the gorgeousness that this kit is!

Take care everyone!! ~Amy