
Monday, December 13, 2010

The big gift & the quick gift

Happy Monday!
Just a little reminder about the challenge going on right now!
This is "The Gift" challenge.
Scrap about an all time favorite gift you, or a loved one, received and why it was so dear. You can either scrap an actual wrapped gift, something Santa brought, something you gifted yourself.
Or you can go the route of a gift of another sort...meaning a lesson learned, learning a skill (maybe music lessons), or your grandmother passing down her love of sewing.
It is your layout and your "gift" to scrap as you like!
You have until Friday December 17th to play along!
{you do know that Noel is giving away 2 kits to a lucky winner, right??!!}
I did not scrap a specific gift though.
Instead I scrapped about how at Christmas we always got "the big gift".
It was equivalent to our gift from Santa but since Santa wasn't too big in our house, we always just called it "the big gift".
And I scrapped about it!
One more thing...
A co-worker's birthday snuck up on me.
Like, her birthday was Friday & I remembered (thank you Facebook!) Thursday night!!
And of course my house is full of Christmas wrapping paper right now, but I had absolutely nothing to wrap a birthday present!
So I turned to my Bedford Falls kit for help!
I did have some teal tissue paper so I wrapped the gift (Eclipse on DVD) in the tissue paper.
And I relied on the goodness in Bedford Falls to help me decorate from there!
Stephanie was right when she said the Bedford falls kit was good for stuff other than Christmas!
Birthday remembered and gift wrapped & ready to go all within 30 minutes!
Thank you Bedford Falls!
Have a great day!