
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas lights

I love Christmas decorations...especially the outdoor ones. I've always been the one to do the outdoor decorations, even when I was a teenager. Of course these days my husband helps with the lights that require the extension ladder. But the rest is left up to me! So for this week's challenge I thought I'd scrap about my inner desire to be Clark Griswold ;)

I used a Virginia technique here by writing my journaling on some masking tape :)

Journaling reads:  Oh how I love Christmas decorations, especially outdoor decorations. Truth be told if I had my way I would have the entire yard decked out in lights dancing to music. Maybe one day! Each year I try to add a little bit more than the year before. Maybe one year my house will look like the Griswolds!

I also have a quick tip/idea on what to do with old Christmas cards. I don't like to throw them away, especially the photo cards. Someone went through the time and effort to send them out so I like to keep them. But what do you do with them?? Well, here's my solution:

I bound them all with a big ring like a Christmas book. Now, I didn't put every single Christmas card in there. Mostly the photos, photo cards, letters & a few cute Christmas cards that I really liked. For every year I put a title page to keep that year's photos together. I also marked the year on the back of each in case they ever got mixed up.

And that's it! Now we have a fun holiday book that we can look through year after year. I'll have another idea of what to do with your leftover Christmas cards on my blog tomorrow :) Happy Christmas week everyone!!


  1. ooooh great idea for the cards Michelle!! and great layout too!

  2. Beautiful LO and great idea for the old Christmas cards! Love it!!!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful "book" idea for Christmas cards! I never throw them away. Can't wait to turn them into mini albums!
