
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Everyday

I admit. I am bad at capturing the everyday moments of my girls. I am trying to get better. Trying to take my camera with me every where but I always seem to forget. I usually have my phone handy so I have been trying to remember to pull out my phone and take a few shots to capture what is currently going on which leads me to my layout.

Wait for it...I used the Bedford Falls kit for this layout! Yep. A Christmas kit used in a non-Christmas way. Cool huh? OK. Back to the subject at hand. These pictures were taken with my Hipstamatic app on my iPhone. I could not live without that app. It is aweseome! I was able to capture my girls making pudding for our dessert one day. I am so happy to have caught this. I will treasure this for years to come.

Here is just one example of what you can do with a Chirstmas themed kit in a non-Christmas way!

Happy creating!

1 comment:

  1. This is rally stunning Diana! I love the color pallet so much and the photos just play off of each other so well. :)
