
Friday, December 10, 2010

Gettin' a Head Start!

Right about this time every year I always get a little frazzled with all of the different projects I want to get done in time for Christmas, and I forget about all the other projects I want to get done for myself. So this year I decided to tackle one of those projects ahead of time so that when the New Year chimes in, I'm not left standing there saying, "ah crap. I forgot to make a calendar." Because, as we all know, that would be the end of life as we know it.

Here's some little vignettes of the calendar I made for 2011:

Gotta love what a few pop dots and a little bit of Stickles can do for chipboard letters!

Sassafras made my day with these too-cute little layered flowers! Gotta have em all!!

It's amazing to me what my sewing machine can do. It's like the little engine that could sometimes.

Again with the chipboard alphabets. My new favorite love are the uh-may-zing products by Viva Decor. They make the most awesome paint pens and creams for covering all kinds of surfaces. Here I used their Inka Gold to cover those pink Cosmo alphas, then I used their Glitter Liner to add some dots. I can't say enough how much I love those guys!

So how 'bout it? Is everyone keeping up with all their projects? Getting behind? Waaaaaay ahead of schedule?

No matter where you are on your holiday list, I hope you're all having a super wonderful amazing Holiday Season!!
