
Friday, December 3, 2010

remembering the reason for the season

As we start the mad rush of the holiday season, I put this layout together to remind me. It's not about packages, ribbons, lights or decorations. The holidays are about being with the people you love. Sharing and reveling in the beliefs you hold dear.

In our family, December is a month peppered with traditions that we've established in the years since our marriage. It starts with the raising of the tree - something we always do together with special drinks and snacks. Trays of homemade goodies are shared with friends mid-month, Christmas Eve Services are attended at our church, and on Christmas morning, we head over to grandma's for breakfast and presents. There are so many more that I haven't even mentioned, but most of all, we like to remember the true reason for our holiday joy. So, after breakfast, but before presents, we gather together around the tree, and one member of the family gives a short devotion. My father-in-law asked my husband last year, so I made sure to snap a quick pic as he opened the Scriptures.

So today, I just want to encourage you. In all the hustle and bustle, and craziness of the holiday rush, take the time, even if it's a few minutes, to establish meaningful traditions with your family. Those are the things they'll remember. More than the toy, game or sweater they may receive. More than a special treat you may only prepare this time of year. That's the true meaning of the holidays. :)


  1. this is a beautiful layout Leah!

  2. thank you for sharing this reminder..
    i love the photo in the layout.. a very special page to cherish for future generations..
