
Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 Lucky Ladies! picked these lucky gals... And I did go back and verify that they all left comments on all the blogs and they win $10 each towards the purchase of their kit!!

#19 Blogger Cammy said...

Scrumptious is the word!! Fun sneak peeks, can't wait to see the whole thing!

January 20, 2011 9:09 AM

#27 anet said...

Got it! Scrumptious. And that is what these sneaks truly are! Can't wait to see the kit. I loved the blog hop. I couldn't wait to see the next kit

#39 Melanie Stanczyk said...

I had a feeling from the start the word was going to be scrumptious! Great blog hop! I hop you do this more often. It was fun to see so many sneaks!

Please leave me a comment here, or email me (, with your paypal address and i will send you $10 ASAP so you have it in the morning.

Congratulations girls! See you all in the morning...sleep tight. :)


  1. whoop whoop!! CONGRATS girls!! spend your money wisely!! might i suggest "Truly Scrumptious"!!? hehehe

  2. Suuuuhweeeee!!! Way to go ladies! Now what could you spend that little prizey prize on? Hmmmmm....... lemme think..... something yummy? no, that's not right.... something tasty? nope, not it either. Something TRULY SCRUMPTIOUS, I think. Yes, definitely!

  3. drats! oh well! CONGRATS ladies! :D

  4. Yay!! Thank you so much Noel! I think I see something Truly Scrumptious coming my way!
