
Monday, January 17, 2011


If you don't have a teenager in the house this may be a foreign language.... around here it's everyday talk! LOL Anywho.. I love these pictures of Madison and her best friend Alexis I caught one day of them afterschool just being their silly selves. Aren't they too cute?! :)

I did this layout for the current Noel Mignon Challenge... we were challenged to use a certain color pallete (what fun!!)... head over to the Challenge Blog for colors and to play along!

Here is my take on the challenge! Everything from the Very Virginia kit!

and a close up...
FUN TIP: the tag shown in the close up is what the ribbon from the kit came on... I just trimmed it up and used it on my layout! :)

by the way... BFFL = Best Friends For Life  ;)
Thanks for stopping by!