
Monday, January 10, 2011

Comfort Zone? What Comfort Zone?

Well the Very Virginia kit I have said would be the type of kit to push me out of my comfort zone... well it DID!!

I found myself at first looking at the masking tape and the mist thinking "I should be doing something creative with this..."
so I taped a frame around the edge of my photos and misted away!
yes I know that this isn't an over the top technique... but for me... this is out of the box baby!! haha!
And the stamps... I didn't put too much "think" into it and just stamped away randomly just under my title and added a few on and around the chipboard heart (another out of the box)... anywho.. I'm proud as a peacock that I challenged myself to try something different... and I LOVE the results!!

 (confession time..... this is the first time I have every used mist before... and I have a good handful of bottles collected already)....eek! I think I may be hooked though... :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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