
Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Monday!
Don't forget about the Domestic Goddess challenge!
You have until April 2nd to play along with us.
The challenge is all about scrapping your domestic routine
or lack thereof in my case!
Hence this layout...
I used Delightfully Domestic for that layout!
{sorry, sold out!}

I had barely enough time to dive into Delightfully Domestic kit before the fabulous Jump & Jive kit arrived at my door!
{you are in luck...there are still some of these left}
And it made me want to scrap!
So I did...
Here are a couple close ups of the banner/flag thing I've got going on here.

Have a great week and don't forget about the challenge!!


  1. Gretchen, I love your layouts. The first one is something I think we can all relate too, and the second one - well those banner ribbons are just too darn cute!!!I think I might have to scraplift this idea. (-:

  2. Totally fantastic!! I SO love both of these!
