
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I made cards!!!

So the new challenge is up, and it is all about making cards and using your scrapbooking tools that are collectin some dust. Well I only have really a couple tools, and they are almost all punches, so I knew quite quickly what tools I was going to use. :D That part was easy. The hard part was actually making the cards!!! I am so card-challenged it is not even funny!! I seriously spent more time on these three little cards below than I have on a LO in a LONG time! And they still didn't turn out like anything I would have wanted or imagined. :P Oh well. I did have fun though. It is nice to give card making a try every now and again.

These three cards are actually extremely simple and really easy to make (they just for some reason took my mind a million years to lay out! Laugh!). I used several Martha Stewart punches (Royal Butterfly, Scallop Square, Heart, Starburst) and also one Fiskars border punch (Uppercrest). I used my Truly Scrumptious kit to make these (except for the Basic white alpha),and couldn't resist giving the white gel pen from the Delightfully Domestic kit a try!!! :D

Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!!! And enjoyed my ridiculously simple cards! Take care!


  1. EEEEKKK!!! Oh my goodness these are darling!!!! And so easy to make in miltiples too!! I may have to card lift you!!!!

  2. wow, your cards are awesome. i love how you used the punches. =)
