
Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Job Well Done

The whole theme of the Delightfully Domestic gives me the perfect opportunity to scrap all sorts of pictures from us around the home. I've had these particular pictures for around a year, of my daughter Emerson when she organized my silverware drawer for me. I gave her the job just to give her something to do while I worked in the kitchen, but I was shocked and surprised by what an incredible job she did! I wish I'd taken before pictures, but I had no idea that she would do such a good job. It wasn't that she just sorted things, she created a whole new system for the drawer that we still are using. She's a girl after my own heart!

I added a couple of doilies and some Girls' Paperie letters from my stash, but the rest is from the Delightfully Domestic kit!

Make sure to keep an eye out around this place... we have a fun blog hop coming up this weekend!

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